News & Events

May 19th-21st, 2023. As a member of BIO (Biographers International Organization), I listened to the bright keynotes during  our annual conference. Learn more on our web site.

April 1st, 2023 - Book Fair of Bordeaux, France. I interviewed Annabel Abbs, British author of Miss Eliza's Bristish Kitchen. Eliza Acton was the first woman author of a cookbook. She invented the list of ingredients for a receipe that seems so obvious to 21st Century cooks. Avid walker, Annabel just published a new fascinating book, Windswept: Why Women Walk. If you're a woman and a hiker, this book is for you.

The same day and at the same place, I interviewed Tess Gunty, the young and brilliant American author of The Rabbit Hutch, a National Book Award winner. A nice fantasy about people living in this rabbit hutch: an online obituary writer, a young mother scared by the eyes of her new born son, a woman waging a solo campaign against rodents in the once bustling industrial center of Vacca Vale, Indiana.